Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sweet Treats

            While I feel that I have elaborated somewhat on my love for children, I must say that this love flows in excess to the children in our family.  I discussed in a previous blog about my nephew Kale and his time in the hospital and my need to “do something” in the time of need.  It is important to add that my “doing something” typically involves food, clothing, or toys. 
            Two years ago, my oldest nephew Carson was diagnosed with Juvenile (Type I) diabetes.  Since that time, I have cringed each time I see my sister or brother-in-law pull out his meter, poke his tiny fingers and check his blood sugar.  I have witnessed how truly brave a 3 year-old boy can be, and how modern medicine can help kids like Carson lead very normal lives.  I have wished many times that I could take the diabetes from Carson, even if it meant having it myself.  Most of all, I pray for the day that the cure to Type I diabetes is found.  To find the cure of course, one must “do something.”
            That’s why Carson’s Crew, a team of his family and friends, participates in the JDRF Walk to Cure diabetes.  It is our privilege as Carson’s aunt and uncle to watch Carson and all of the other children come together and fight this terrible disease.  The beauty of the walk is twofold, first being the support you can see all around the children affected, and the second the common hope everyone shares.  Hope for a future free of shots, meters, insulin pumps, low/high blood sugars, and constant worry. 
            I am proud to report that Carson’s Crew raised over $7,500 this year!  We had so much fun at the walk, and were thrilled to host an after-walk dessert reception at our home.  There is really nothing like a dessert reception to say, “take that diabetes!”
            Pictured are the spread of treats, the majority of which were purchased ready-made.  Two tasty treats, however, were homemade by me and the ideas were taken from the October issue of Real Simple magazine.


Ice cream and snickers terrine:
-chocolate ice cream
-vanilla ice cream
-14 fun size snickers bars

-Melt the ice cream, and cut up the snickers bars into thirds
-line a loaf pan with parchment paper
-Mix ice cream and snickers into loaf pan
-freeze mixture
-slice and serve!

Candy corn and pretzel bark:
-candy corn
-white chocolate chips
-miniature pretzels
-dried cranberries

-spread parchment paper on a rimmed baking sheet
-melt white chocolate and spread onto parchment paper
-top with cranberries, candy corn, and pretzels
-chill until firm
-break into pieces and serve!


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