Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ravioli with Brown Butter and Sage

            This next recipe I tried recently was quite possibly the most fabulous smelling thing I have made to date.  I am not exaggerating one bit when I tell you that I imagine meals in heaven (if there are meals in heaven, and I sure hope there are) smell like this.  I found this recipe online at Real Simple’s website, and as a result of my compulsive pasta preparing tried it immediately.
            It was really very easy, and turned out so great.  I was a bit nervous how the leftovers would be the next day, but they were just as good!  If you have a pasta tooth (is there really such a thing?) like me, I would recommend you try this one soon.  I would especially recommend it if you are having company and want the guests to arrive in your home and know from the wonderful aromas that greet them that you, yes YOU, are a fabulous cook!


For recipe and preparation instructions click below:

Preparation of the Brown Butter and Sage


1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather!

    I've seen this recipe before and I'm going to give it a try, now that you've given me the confidence! Question - did you use "fresh" ravioli like the recipe calls for, or did you just use frozen? And if you did you use fresh, where do you get it?
