Monday, September 6, 2010

Chicken Cordon Eww


           I have been reflecting some recently, and it seems that cooking has very nicely become a part of my everyday life.  As you can see from the date of my last post, blogging about my culinary adventures, however, has not.  It seems my assertion in my first post regarding how my life had really “slowed down” was code for “I really have a lot of free time right now so I’m going to fill it with this blog and anything else I can try to squeeze into my free moments.”  My schedule is like a super tight pair of pants, you know, the kind that you have to lay on your bed to get up all the way…or maybe even do a little hopping around your bedroom to get over your butt?  Certainly you have never done this, I mean I unquestionably have not, but this is how my schedule is.  It is so tight, I know it doesn’t fit, but it sure feels good when I pull it off!  Anyway, this is my excuse for being delayed with my posts, and I promise to find a way to be more consistent.
            The next recipe is one that was given to me at a bridal shower called “Chicken Cordon Blue Simplified”.  While I know the title of this post might deter many from running out to the store to purchase ingredients to re-create this, I will explain how to make this easy recipe and where I went wrong.  Where I went wrong, is in the simple first step of cooking the chicken breasts.  I overestimated the amount the chicken would cook while baking with the entire mixture, and DID NOT cook them thoroughly enough.  This resulted in us cutting into the breasts on our plates and finding the center to be, well, not cooked which led to the chicken breasts earning themselves a one way ticket to the microwave.
            To help you to understand why I just could not enjoy this meal after that, I will now proceed with a bit of self-disclosure.  First and foremost, my mind is crazy.  As a provisionally licensed mental health practitioner in the state of Nebraska, I feel I can say this about myself.  I use the term “crazy” pretty loosely, and in this occasion I use it to describe how my mind can begin with a small little idea or detail and grow into an absolute monstrosity of thoughts.  For example, if I am home alone and hear a noise outside, I might first think it is the neighbor’s cat…or maybe that was a footstep I heard…a heavy footstep in fact…probably a 350 pound killer…didn’t I hear a killer escaped in New Mexico recently?...OMG yes!...I bet its him…and the neighbor’s cat…because my neighbor is probably dead in her kitchen, but the cat escaped!…you get the drift.
            So, I feel I do not need to expand more to help you to understand how the mere sight of this undercooked chicken breast caused me to believe that I would contract every poultry-related illness known to mankind.  I even packed it for lunch the next day, cooked it a bit more in the microwave, and still couldn’t enjoy it.  I think it was pretty good though!  Chris, who doesn’t have the problem of the “crazy mind,” enjoyed this meal quite a bit. 
            Please make this meal, thoroughly cook the chicken breasts prior to baking, and convince me to try it again!


-4 chicken breasts
-4 slices honey ham
-1 can cream of mushroom soup
-1 Cup sour cream
-2 cups cooked rice
-4 slices Swiss cheese

-Season chicken breasts with Lemon pepper and partially cook (until almost done, they will bake for another 20 minutes) Apparently I can’t read…Mix the mushroom soup and sour cream.
-Spread the cooked rice in the bottom of a casserole dish, then layer the following: ham, chicken breast, soup mixture, cheese, and sprinkle with paprika.
-Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.


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